Monday, December 31, 2007

Blog Things

As part of my routine vetti activites i was browsing through random webpages and came upon a friend's blog which had this "blog things" quiz result .. Went over and took a few quizzes myself .. Decent timepass .. A few things i got :

You Should Play the Guitar

You're very independent - both in spirit and in the way you learn.
You can teach yourself almost anything, even if it makes your fingers bleed.

You're not really the type to sit patiently through a music lesson - or do things by the book.
It's more your style to master the fundamentals and see where they take you.

Highly creative and a bit eclectic, you need a wide range of music to play.
You could emerge as a sensitive songwriter... or a manic rock star.

Your dominant personality characteristic: being rebellious

Your secondary personality characteristic: tenacity

You Belong in Rome

You're a big city soul with a small town heart
Which is why you're attracted to the romance of Rome
Strolling down picture perfect streets, cappuccino in hand
And gorgeous Italian people - could life get any better?

You Are a German Shepherd Puppy

Intelligent, quick witted, and a bit aggressive.
You've got the jaw power to take a bite out of anyone you choose.

Your German Name is:

Otto Gustav

Apart from this being the most pointless and easiest blog post ive ever written :) it is also quite a break in tradition .. Just wanted to make sure not to let the year slip by without a quickie post at least and thus this is the first post that ive written before 12 am :-D

( Guess i dont need to take that "Are You a Morning Person or Night Person?" quiz eh ? :P )