Monday, February 1, 2010

Saarang - 2010

Saarang usually stands for a few things . Awesome events/shows , Nice stalls, the long drives through the beautiful IIT grounds , hot chicks that show up out of nowhere only to then disappear for the rest of the year and of course for us - super timepass .

This year , the theme for us seemed to be ' Back In our time' . Everything seemed to be better 'back in our time ' . Or maybe we were just able to appreciate them more then . Vayasu aayurichu.

Back in our time , foodstalls were right next to the OAT . Now they make u walk about a km.

Back in our time , Cha was able to watch Decibels and light music without complaining about the quality of the bands. All these pro concerts later , he says they suck

Back in our time , we would go for the rock show without caring who came . This year , I would still have gone if Skid row had come , but they backed out , and - without Ara - no real motivation to go watch Hammerfall . Missed Lone wolf as well .

Signs of the times :
GB actually came and asked Chandler , " Heard ur getting married ? "
Bow liked the 'Maa' song by Shanker, Ehsaan & Loy the most (:-P )
As Gau said : The youth there are ppl that are 7 ( !!) years younger than us .

Still , it was a pretty good 2 days we spent there . Some things haven't changed. OAT is still an amazing place to go watch stuff ( esp if they are free !) . IIT guys still carry around huge backpacks that look like they contain all the world's secrets in them . Shanker Ehsaaan Loy still put on mean show. Bands still sing ' ChandraLekha' . People still do the cell-phone-light-waving thing at concerts - which originated back in our time . Choreo night is still good ( or so I hear ) .

Saarang is still fun.

As usual , I'll close with a couple of mokkai's . As always , embellishments mine.

(On the 1 km walk to the aforementioned food stalls )
Cha : Its amazing how we can still hear the bands playing rock so far away from the OAT
Me : Must be really loud
Adi : Duh ! Thats why its called 'Decibels'

(Examining tickets while standing in the really long queue to get in to watch SEL )
Cha : There's a huge list of items which aren't allowed . Bottles , Bags , Sharp items .......... Pens
Cha : PENS !? Why would they not allow that ?
Me : When they don't allow knives how can they allow this
Cha : ??
Me : The pen is mightier than the sword.