All that remained was to find a topic logical and interesting enough to write on , a commonly recurring problem which I partly blame for this recent lull in activity ( Technical Name - bloggers Block )
So i thought back on all that had happened in my life in 2009 . The only Central Theme was - There was none . So i decided to blog about them all and hence the title of this post
It can also mean im just being lazy to organize my thoughts cohesively but hey its my blog , and no one reads this anyway :( .
Onto the chaos .
2009 Started with a bang . First week of Jan always means - The Chennai Open !!! Got season tickets this time and even though it started out with a whimper with Nadal not returning here and then the top seed Davydenko Retiring , a certain

It was an amazing cinderella story for everyone to follow and it played out all the way to the final day of the tournament . No classics quite like the Nadal - Moya match from last year , but good stuff nevertheless
This was the last year of the Contract for this event and heres hoping the ATP renew it , Chennai deserves it .
This was immediately followed by the Chennai Sangamam , the Street festival held every year in Chennai around Pongal time . Even though I personally went there every day mainly only for the food ( :D ), this year was bigger than ever before with them even having a night long celebration in VenkatNarayana road , even cordoning off the whole road to traffic and lighting up the street with lights a la those found in Orchard road in Singapore .
Yea , quite unreal . Read this
It is around this part of the post that you might have noticed i do ( or rather dont ) do a lot of the actual description through external links . If your too lazy to click them , dont complain about the quality of this post :-P .
If you do click them and still say my post sucks , well , then u donno how to appreciate diversity .
U just think its the opposite of University .
Here , Chandler disrupts my thought process by pinging me on Gtalk and as a result , Im just going to shamelessly paste the convo here in lieu of an actual Paragraph
(11:41:10 PM) Chandler: black star?
(11:41:42 PM) Chandler: have u forgotten stars are all bright and glittery??
(11:41:47 PM) arjunjeyaprakash@: Eh ?
(11:41:56 PM) Chandler: ur status msg was black star
(11:42:17 PM) arjunjeyaprakash: yes it was
(11:42:24 PM) arjunjeyaprakash: song name ..
(11:42:35 PM) arjunjeyaprakash: and besides what do u have against black stars da
(11:42:37 PM) arjunjeyaprakash : racist fellow
(11:42:42 PM) arjunjeyaprakash :)
(11:42:43 PM) Chandler: ROFL
-- Next song comes on --
(11:42:36 PM) Chandler: dei, clark kent is superman da.. not lazlo bane :D
(11:43:10 PM) arjunjeyaprakash this is the song they copied for Scrubs !
(11:43:19 PM) Chandler: copied illa da nonsense
(11:43:34 PM) Chandler: the song was made for scrubs.. have u seen the video? it was shot on scrubs set
(11:43:42 PM) arjunjeyaprakash@: potato p0tato
(11:43:55 PM) Chandler: u'll make a horrible lawyer da
(11:44:03 PM) Chandler: sure ah oru case kuda win pannamata
(11:44:09 PM) Of course i will
(11:44:17 PM) ill plead temporary insanity :)
(11:44:24 PM) Chandler: rofl
Enough of this insanity .
Since this is shockingly going to be longer than I expected , Im going to split this into two . ( Yes its a flagrant effort to increase my post count , so what :P )
In Part 2 , I plan to :
- Bring some order and somehow relate all this together
- Continue to provide more external links for reading :P
- Make some earth shattering revelations
Anyway , stay tuned