No , this is not a review for the movie Mozhi( which btw is brilliant and u shud watch ). Its about what it stands for : Language .
Many a time while chatting with non indians ( or even non - tamilians ) i get the response "huh ? " . Its inevitably because of my usage of "common tamil" words in the convo .
Classic example :
Yank : Sup
Me : Nm, Vetti
Yank : Huh ? Vetti ?
Now i can never find words to adequately express what this simple word means in english .
Similarly " chumma " . I suppose it can be roughly translated as " juz like that " but it doesnt have the same feel to it .
Another word is the ubiquitous " da " basically used as at the end of a sentence to denote an informal , friendly conversation which cannot quite be replicated in english . There are a few alternatives like " dude" , " man " etc but they sound kinda forced and unnatural when i use em .
Of course the reverse is not true . any word in english can be made a tanglish one by addin a " o" or a "u" to it ;) .
a classic example wud be Worst being converted into ........ " Worstu " :-)
But , as the melodious song from the above mentioned Mozhi Goes
iyarkeyin mozhigal purinthu vidu
manitharin mozhigal thevai-illai
ithaiyathin mozhigal purinthu vidu
manitharikku mozhiye thevai-illaiiiiiii
Roughly Translated that means ,
Understand the language of nature
The language of men is not needed
Understand the language of the heart
Men dont need language at all .
So , Basically this post is just crap :-? :-|
Oh well i was chumma vetti anywayz
lol.. brilliant..
Doh .. i Forgot " Mokkai " :-|
semma semma
Bestu :P....
Waitin for your TAGGED post !!
too good da...
oku, hereso myo gou atu Tamilu....
Wowu, I-o thinku I-o knowo Tamilu alreadyo....
wtfo im-o a-o da-o
:p lol good job
it jus took me 2 posts to figure Tamil out, easy man :))
Dewd...I think I need to teach you more words man lol...duh!
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